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Speed and Agility | Combos

Speed and Agility | Combos

Our Agility Combos test how we move through a variety of agility based exercises. Can you keep up?

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Speed and Agility | Combos
  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Speed and Agility | Combo #2

    What do you need?
    -2 Cones
    Improve your speed and explosiveness while adding in some change of direction. Always follow the details and make sure you have it down first. Then complete:
    10 Reps x 3 sets
    Rest 1:00 between sets
    Finisher | Complete max reps in 30 seconds
    World Class | 8 reps

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Speed and Agility | Combo #1

    Our first Agility Combo combines fast feet and change of direction. Focus on the details and then bring some speed.

    What do you need?
    - Zoid, agility ring, or just get creative.
    - Hurdle
    - 3 Cones

    How do we do it?
    Complete the combination as fast as you can.
    Short rest so you can give 100%