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Brain Training

Brain Training

Learn to think fast and play fast through challenging your mind and body at the same time!

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Brain Training
  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | Tennis Ball Basics

    Simple footwork combined with a tennis ball forces us to process faster. This video covers the basics, but it is certainly harder than it looks. Check out Tennis Ball 1 after you master these.

    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer in your attempts on instagram or facebook.

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | Vision Training | Wall Challenge #15

    Think Fast to play Fast! This Wall Challenge will definitely test you, especially with the Brain Training and Vision elements added in. Can you complete each of the patterns CONSISTENTLY while processing what you see? See if you can keep the pattern through each segment without missing a color or...

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | Wall Challenge #14

    All about rhythm here. Can you find the rhythm and stay consistent all the way through?
    Once you finish, repeat each pattern 3x for 1:00 each trying to remain consistent all the way through.
    Pattern 1 | right right left
    Pattern 2 | left left right
    Pattern 3 | 3-2-1 passing
    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer...

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Juggle Challenge + Brain Training | Patterns Part 2

    Part 2 steps it up! Think fast while showing your balance and control on these juggling patterns.
    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer on instagram or facebook and show us how hard you're working.

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Juggle Challenge + Brain Training | Patterns Part 1

    Test your balance and control while mastering these juggling patterns.
    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer on instagram or facebook and show us how hard you're working.

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | Hops + Claps Part 1

    Want to remain calm under pressure and improve how fast you process the game? Who wouldn't?! In this Brain Training we add layers of information to challenge players to think and play fast. As the layers add up, so does the 'pressure'. Can you hit every detail on the final step? Have some fun and...

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | Moves + Numbers

    Think fast to play fast. This Brain Training incorporates moves and numbers to see how fast you can process and react while maintaining smooth speed. This is a great one to repeat and improve upon weekly.
    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer on instagram or facebook and show us how hard you're working.

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | 2 Ball Toe Taps

    Challenge your body and brain with this challenge. The test here is to see how fast you can move on this one.
    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer in your attempts on instagram or facebook.

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | 2 Ball Juggling

    You will need 2 soccer balls for this one! Any size ball will do. They don't even have to be the same size. Challenge your brain with this juggling challenge. Can you get that World Class Ranking? Scoring is the same for unlimited, two-touch, and one-touch.
    World Class | 30 Switches
    Professional ...

  • ON DEMAND | PTS | Brain Training | Tennis Ball 1

    Don't let these simple touches fool you. Can you keep the ball moving at a fast pace while consistently moving the tennis ball? Let's see it!

    Tag @perfecttouchsoccer in your attempts on instagram or facebook.